Your Private Midwife
Redefining Birth, elevating pregnancy
Curated Private maternity care, supporting families across yorkshire & Beyond
to experience birth on their own terms
Our Families rate us 5* on Google
Contact us for support & Care

What our 5* Guarantee Looks like
Curated Care Packages
Focused Flexibility
Relationship Based
Personalised & Accessible
Choice & Value
Redefining Birth on Your Terms
If you’re looking for a midwife that puts you back in the centre of your story drop us an email at or a text to 07895637512 for further advice & information.
You’rE pregnant & want Amazing Maternity Care, because lets face you know you deserve it!
You’re in the right place! Midwifery in Yorkshire, is changing! Firstly, Congratulations! You are pregnant, excited, exhausted (probably…) and maybe even nervous! Perhaps you are frustratedly trying to navigate your pregnancy & not getting the answers you thought or even being told out right NO’s at the first hurlde. This is why many women are accessing for care options with private midwives, tailoring thier pregnancy needs and making them right for you! If your looking for a little bit more than traditional maternity care then your in the rigth place.
You might have already had a baby & know you want something different, or this might be your first pregnancy and your are wanting something different than the traditional care offered in the maternity system locally.
Private Midwifery with an Independent Midwife could be just the thing you need to help you on the journey. A midwife near me, a midwife who is available to put you & your baby back in the centre of your story! Bailey & colleagues at YPM work from an evidence based, person-centred & relationship building approach and want to help you trust your pregnancy journey to get the best out of it.
Intrigued? You can drop us an email at to ask a bit more.

Hey! I’m Bailey.
Midwife, fellow mum & I am all about putting you back into the centre of your pregnancy and postnatal experience.
& I believe that liking nice things and knowing your worth shpuld apply to birth more than anything else in your life!
With a decade in the profession, I am now, more than ever, obsessed with getting you the best out of your journey into parenthood! It looks different for every family and thats why I believe midwifery care should be individualised for you. Look no further than Your Private Midwife. Midwifery services in Yorkshire & beyond.
Private Midwife: I Gotcha Covered!

My Mission Statement.
I do Midwifery with a difference. Creating perfected care packages that put you in the centre of the story. Think Main Character enegry & luxury boujiee vibes! Giving you more than just boring birth, acknowledging your badass birth-ability. PLUS…join a gathering of momentum moving mums shouting about how amazing birth can be and changing the narrative for future families, one baby at a time!
Personalised, prioritised and putting you back in charge!
Bailey just gets it! We knew from our very first interactions that she was the midwife for us! loving, compassionate, fun & factual, all whilst respecting our choices (some of which were unique). Now a trusted friend, we are so glad we chose her to do this journey with.